My first programming language, created automations and bots in it.
Experience: 0 Year(s)
My most comfortable language, created games, WPF apps, and more in it.
Experience: 0 Year(s)
Recently a primary focus for me, creating complex solutions in it.
Experience: 0 Year(s)
Similar to C# and thus decided to learn it, I can easily understand it.
Experience: 0 Year(s)
First ever exposure to creating anything on a computer, learned it in high school.
Experience: ~0 Year(s)
Utilised Kotlin to produce Android applications, still learning the intricacies.
Experience: 0 Year(s)
Grocery Guide
A multi-platform dynamic
shopping list developed in NodeJS
Status: In Development
A Windows and Android Book Tracker
Developed in C# and Java/Kotlin
Status: Finished
Discord Bot - Dionysus
A Discord Mini-Game Bot
written in Python
Status: In Development
Direct2D Game
A basic 2D game made from scratch
Developed with Direct2D and Win32 APIs
Status: In Development
Project: Sales Assistant
A game about the chaotic nature of retail
Developed in Unity Game Engine
Status: Planning Phase
More projects can be found on GitHub
You can contact me via LinkedIn, Twitter, and/or via my EMail